52 Questions & Answers for Singles
Author: Fred L. Hodge & Linda G. Hodge Category: Nonfiction Publisher: KP Publishing Company ISBN: Paperback 978-09976622-3–8 | Ebook 978-0-9976622-6-9 Language: English Tags: Paperback $12.95 | Ebook $ 0.99 | More Details52 Questions & Answers for Singles will assist in your approach in successfully determining Mr. & Mrs. Right. The hard questions must be addressed and explored in considering a mate. When you know where you want to go, a map must be designed to reach the destination. This book serves as your map for reaching your destination, safe and sound. Fortunately, there is always a criterion that must be measured prior to entering a possible relationship. Human nature has a tendency to gravitate toward what “looks” good despite what is necessarily advantageous for them.
There is a multitude of unseen realities that is either ignored or justified by our need for attachments. These questions and answers are designed to heighten your vigilant introspection of sound judgment. So, what can you expect from reading this book? You can expect to have a pivotal change in your life as you navigate through these pages. Therefore, you will become more aware of the pitfalls hindering your thought process, and the choices you have made in your past. And, finally, self-awareness will begin to immerse from the depth of your soul. Buckle up, and enjoy your ride to a safe, secure landing!
About the Author
Fred and Linda Hodge are Pastors of Living Praise Christian Center in both Chatsworth and Palmdale, California. Through their 34 years of marriage and ministry experience, they have developed tremendous knowledge and insight in cultivating people for success in life. Although Fred and Linda experienced divorce in their past, they chose to become better, not bitter and mastered the art of choosing wisely. A principle they share with audiences throughout their travels.
They are known for their practical approach to life and through their transforming messages provoke both singles and married to live in their best “state” for the present while intentionally moving forward into their future endeavors.
Together they have authored 5 books, and traveled throughout the United States, equipping people for “next level” living. Known to many as the “power couple,” Fred and Linda live by the conviction that quality of life can be achieved by all who are willing to push beyond their limiting beliefs and experience the breakthrough of transformation teaching. The results of Fred & Lindas’ mentoring and coaching throughout the years has caused many to acquire a fulfilled life and yield fruits that produced abundant life. Dr. Fred L. Hodge & Linda G. Hodge