A Diary of a Forgotten Child
Author: Edward Renee Harden Category: Autobiography Publisher: KP Publishing Company ISBN: 978-1-7322665-0-6 Language: English Tags: Paperback $16.95 | More DetailsEdward Renee Harden went to prison at the age of 17, sentenced to seven years to life for murder. With good behavior, and being a “model prisoner,” he could have had an excellent chance to be released after serving seven years. Renee spent a total of 43 consecutive years and an additional two years in a transitional housing program. Yes, your math is correct, a total of 45 years, almost three-quarters of his life. And, 31 of those years he served in solitary confinement.
You are now wondering, WHY? HOW? WHAT HAPPENED? Right?
The author of The Diary of a Forgotten Child, will answer your questions and take you on his journey of:
- being the middle child of seven, growing up in a brutal, violent home
- physically abused by both parents, feeling neglected and like an outsider
- an infatuation with girls at a young age
- several sprints in Juvenile Hall
- a naïve, scared prisoner to the head of one of most notorious prison gangs in the nation
About the Author
While being incarcerated, Edward “Renee” Harden developed a curriculum for At-Risk Youth, Restorative Justice-Victim’s Awareness of Crime, and learned many other skills. However, sharing his testimony with young people is what fulfills his heart.
His current mission is to make a difference and help our youth understand, and it’s never too late to turn your life in a new and positive direction. He does not want another young person to lose their freedom by making bad choices. Renee is the father of one adult son and resides in Los Angeles, California.