How to Heal Your Broken Heart
Author: Rita J. Cartwright Category: Nonfiction Publisher: KP Publishing Company ISBN: 978-1-960001-28-3, 978-1-960001-29-0, 978-1-960001-30-6 Language: English Tags: Hardcopy $24.95 | More DetailsHealing a broken heart is a process that requires time, patience, and self-care, and in this book, How to Heal Your Broken Heart, author Rita J. Cartwright applies biblical principles as the primary source for healing. She has experienced domestic violence, infidelity, and the loss of her son and husband. Rita understands how to heal from life twists, turns, downward spirals, and complete wipeouts.
About the Author
Rita J. Cartwright is a devout believer in the Godhead of Glory. She volunteers at her church as the Director of the Media Ministry and Leadership Board. A few years ago, Rita launched Go Beyond the Limit (GBTL), a nonprofit organization, to give back to the community. GBTL provides online training for survivors of abuse to become online entrepreneurs. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in marketing at the age of 45 from Arizona State University. In addition, she is an entrepreneur and owner of RJ’s Digital Solutions, LLC. Rita is a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother who resides in Phoenix, Arizona. For more information about Rita’s organization, go to: https://gobeyondthelimit.org, and her business, go to: https://rjsdigitalsolutions.