More Than A Body
Author: Apryl Michelle Brown Category: Nonfiction Publisher: KP Publishing Company ISBN: 978-09967162-8-4 Language: English Tags: Paperback $19.95 | More DetailsThe Price of “Not-Enoughness” For Apryl Michelle Brown Almost COST her HER LIFE!
As a beautiful, unique, young girl, Apryl Michelle Brown created a mantra choreographed by years of childhood trauma: “I’m going to buy me some butt when I get older and make a lot of money.” Little did she know her mantra—that beast of “not-enoughness”—would lead her down a dark tunnel of shame, pain, and loss. It landed her face down on a child’s bed, enduring unimaginable pain, as she permitted an unlicensed practitioner to pump illegal silicone into her buttocks, or “butt cheeks” as Apryl likes to call them. This catapulted Apryl into a medical nightmare that ultimately claimed her arms, her legs, and even her butt cheeks. She now lives as an ambassador of humility and grace, and is committed to helping others conquer their internal beasts, and stand tall in the presence of their “enoughness.”
About the Author
Apryl Michelle Brown is a successful hairstylist, make-up artist, and fashion designer. She now shares her extraordinary story worldwide. Apryl has appeared on television shows such as The Doctors, Inside Edition, Katie Couric, Tricia, CNN Health, Fox News and more, and has been featured in articles, in Essence, Madame Noire, Daily Breeze, and many others. Apryl is the mother of two adult daughters and resides in Southern California.