The 8th Deadly Sin
Author: Champ Hagan Category: Urban Fiction Publisher: KP Publishing Company ISBN: 978-0-578260-34-1 Language: English Tags: Paperback $19.95 | More DetailsMoney Over Everything (M.O.E.) – In the layers of this fictitious reality, The 8th Deadly Sin, you see just how the envious and greedy-hearted stooped to the most underhanded lows when M.O.E. is the primary rule. Then, just like in daily life, with the turn of each page, you’ll see how fast those who are full of sloth and gluttony will genuinely deceive and betray anyone, whenever money’s green power is the defining motivation. Yet still highly anticipated, the most convincingly, treacherous, vengeful of them all, are the three sinful traits, lust, pride, and wrath, carrying with them the weight of death. Additionally, the 8th deadliest sin of all knows just how to pull the tree of those cords until they imperatively snap. M.O.E. is the creed most of us live by. Is it your life’s primary essential factor, too?
About the Author
Champ Hagan has been writing since his college years. Through his life experiences, he has developed views that have flourished into scandalously colorful tales, and he’s finally ready to go public with his first and make his impression on the urban literature world. When Champ’s not delivering cross-country, he’s coaching youth football or spending time with his family. Champ loves chess, sports, and 80s model cars. He is the father of two sons, Champ and Zy. He is a Southern California native