The Adventures of Tommy Tumbleweed
Author: Michelle LaPorte Category: Children’s Books Publisher: KP Publishing Company ISBN: 978-0-9854107-6-6 Language: English Tags: Paperback $12.95 | More DetailsIllustrated by Leroy Herrera Jr.
Tommy Tumbleweed is a “do right” book for children with a twist of information on state historical sites. The Adventures of Tommy Tumbleweed is the first of a series of 10 books. Tommy teaches children to respect others and their property and shows them the importance of family and friends.
About the Author
Michelle lives in Southern California, close to the place where Tommy Tumbleweed lived and worked. She is the eldest of eight children; she married her best friend, Rudy Gomez, who helped her raise her daughter and son, Nicole and Joey. She is the proud grandmother (Nona) to Tiare, Jalaeya, and Jaeda.
Michelle created Tommy while pulling weeds in their front yard; hoping that while she and Nicole pulled the weeds it would push the process of Nicole’s labor, which was already two weeks late.