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The Unmendable

 Author: Eve Koskie  Category: Nonfiction  Publisher: KP Publishing Company  ISBN: 978-1-950936-63-2 | 978-1-950936-64-9  Language: English  Tags: EBook $4.95Unsigned $13.95 /Autographed $19.95 |

The Unmendable is a passionate book of poetry about a young author facing a tragic loss in the midst of navigating the already challenging task of being a teenager. It takes the reader through Eve’s experiences with her parent’s divorce, deciding to move to another state, finding herself, and most impactful of all, losing her Nana.

Readers will discover how everything changed in the author’s life for what felt like the worst. How terrible things happen, and when we take our time to recover, we will eventually see the beauty in tragedy, and how we can learn so much from the pain we experience.

“I want everyone to be able to find the process for themselves. Grieving, feeling the pain, expressing it, being able to live a meaningful life, and complete the cycle of passing on what you have learned and experienced.”

About the Author

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Eve Koskie is a teenage writer born in San Jose, California, and currently living in Honolulu, Hawaii. She loves to travel and finds inspiration in the world around her.

Eve’s topics of interest include poetry and art. In 2019, she self-published her first chapbook, To Fly Away. The Unmendable is her first full-length piece.
