Women Evolved
Author: Dr. kwaku Category: Nonfiction Publisher: KP Publishing Company Language: English Tags: Paperback $16.95 | More Details
WOMEN EVOLVED delivers a multitude of behaviors, experiences, and emotions resulting in the sometimes harsh reality, being a single woman. Eleven women from various age groups and social standing display a human basket filled with varied interpretations of not having a man. Others see it as a choice. Absorbing oneself into the lives of these ladies, all different, results in a unique way of looking at relationships, and perhaps bringing forth various revelations of succeeding in one. Once these literary adventures float through your head, a deeper perspective surfaces on the meaning of the highest form of human activity, intimate relationships. WOMEN EVOLVED unveils the unknown essence of these eleven women; their growth, feelings, mistakes, influences, and the fierce battles they endued in relationships from interest and viewpoints of a man. Dr. Kwaku Person-Lynn guides the discussion from his point of view, but the stories comes from the hearts and souls of the women who participated.
About the Author
Dr. kwaku