You’re in America – Now What?
Author: Senait Mesfin Piccigallo Category: Nonfiction Publisher: KP Publishing Company ISBN: Paperback 978-1-950936-46-5 | EBook 978-1-950936-47-2 Language: English Tags: Paperback $14.95 | E-Book $4.95 | More DetailsYou’re in America – Now What? 7 Skills to Integrate with Ease and Joy is a guide to help immigrants transition into your new country, your new home. The book reflects the author’s life experiences of coming to her new home by way of China and Eritrea and advice from first-generation immigrants from developing Nations. Included are seven researched skill-sets designed to make the American integration process easier and enjoyable.
About the Author
Senait Mesfin Piccigallo is an author and speaks and writes in three languages; Tigrinya, Amharic, and English. She started writing at ten years old, always being encouraged to be an author by her family and others. Senait has kept journals as part of navigating her ever-changing life transition from Ethiopia, Eritrea to China, and then to the USA. She taught English as a second language for two years in Dalian, China, and continued her writing skills by teaching Chinese teachers to prepare their English curriculum. Senait is a graduate of Asmara University in East Africa. She has a bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Anthropology. Senait is married with three children, and they reside in Northern California.